Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fight Food Cravings

You're Craving: Fast-Food French Fries

Eat this instead:

Oven-Baked Fries

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Toss one unpeeled baking potato (about 5 ounces), cut into wedges, with 1 teaspoon oil. Arrange in single layer in shallow pan. Bake 25 minutes, turning once, until potatoes are golden.
Fast-Food French Fries: 450 calories, 22 grams fat per 5 ounces (large order of fries) Oven-Baked Fries: 145 calories, 5 grams fat 
 Savings: 305 calories, 17 grams fat


  1. o_0 it makes perfect sense why people shouldnt eat fast food..

  2. Exactlyyy!! look at the amount of calories and fats your saving..

  3. Not just That!.. try sweet potato oven baked "fries".. they're amazing!!! and full of healthy carbs (more than that of regular potatoes, even though calorie-wise they're similar) .. i hate sweet potatoes but once i tasted those I became a huge fan!.. Plus they're a great source of Vitamin A!
    Cut them like u would cut a potato for fries, season with salt and pepper (and chili powder, or garlic powder for some extra shazaam if u like) and bake them in the oven!

  4. Thank you for the tip ;** i'll try that out although i dont like sweet potatoes bas i'll give a try ;)
